The Meat Sauce

Pasta with meat sauce is almost always present among our proposals. We often remember the times when the fixed menu of the Locanda della Stazione was pasta with meat sauce and chop with potatoes. It was the 1960s and the workers who came to visit us during the lunch break were not given the choice. They were in a hurry and, having lived through the Second World War, many were content with what was being prepared.
And we, even among other proposals, continue to offer our ragù every day.
Here’s how we prepare it:
- We fry onion, celery and carrots.
- Then add the fresh ground beef, pork and veal and mixed cold cuts.
- Brown everything adding aromas such as sage, rosemary, thyme, marjoram, etc. to taste.
- Add the peeled tomato sauce and cook slowly for about 4 hours.
- Then the ragù is ready and we use it to season the pasta, lasagna, gnocchi or rice.