Vegetable soup

Today we want to share with you a recipe for our first course that we can say is part of our history: vegetable soup. It is a poor but at the same time rich dish. Every time we prepare it it never has the exact same taste as the previous time. Because? Because the ingredients change from time to time following the cycle of the seasons. Sometimes it is slightly bitter, sometimes it is green, sometimes very colorful, sometimes it smells of spring. Here are the vegetables we use in this spring to prepare it: borage Mauve Beets Coste Courgette flowers carrots Potatoes beans Nettle Fry onion, celery and leek and gradually add the chopped vegetables and water. Leave to cook for about two and a half hours. Add salt to taste. Soon peas, courgettes, tomatoes, aubergines and all the vegetables from our gardens will arrive.